Australia’s peak hospitality and tourism accommodation bodies welcome ‘certainty’ in FWC transitional arrangements decision on penalty rates reform

5 June 2017: Australia’s peak hospitality organisation, the Australian Hotels Association (AHA), and tourism accommodation body, Tourism Accommodation Australia (TAA), welcomed the certainty provided by the Fair Work Commission (FWC)’s announcement today on the transitional arrangements for penalty rates. The FWC announced that the reformed penalty rate conditions for full time and part time hospitality employees working on Sundays would be phased in over three years, commencing from 1 July 2017. Sunday penalty rates would be reduced from 175% to 170% in 2017‐18, from 170% to 160% in 2018‐19, and from 160% to 150% in 2019‐2020. Sunday rates for casual
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Categories: Media Release.


By Vanessa Cavasinni, editor Australian Hotelier Liquor industry bodies have welcomed the 2017 Budget for the most part, which has revealed decisions that will mainly affect the industry positively. The Winemakers’ Federation of Australia (WFA) have given their support to the 2017 Budget, which has confirmed reforms regarding the wine industry signalled by the Government last year. “Funding of these important reform measures will place the wine industry on a firm footing to continue to grow important export markets, and correct previous over-supply in the industry,” said Tony Battaglene, CEO of WFA. “The industry is in consultation with Government on implementation
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Categories: Latest News.


By Vanessa Cavasinni, editor Australian Hotelier This morning the Tatts board announced that they would not provide the Pacific Consortium the opportunity for due diligence. After review, the Tatts board has decided that the Pacific Consortium offer of $4.21 per share did not best the Tabcorp merger scheme, and will no longer engage with Pacific Consortium. “Accordingly Tatts’ Board continues to believe that the Proposed Tabcorp Merger is in the best interests of Tatts shareholders and unanimously recommends the Proposed Tabcorp Merger in the absence of a Superior Proposal and subject to an independent expert concluding that the Proposed Tabcorp Merger is
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Categories: Latest News.


By Vanessa Cavasinni, editor Australian Hotelier Hoteliers and the wider hospitality industry are on edge, as they await more details in regards to the Federal Government’s 457 visa replacement. Yesterday, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced the scrapping of the 457 visa program, stating: “We are ensuring that Australian jobs and Australian values are first, placed first. During the press conference, the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Peter Dutton, announced that 457 visa will be replaced with two alternate visas, that do not foster as much agency for permanent residency. “What we propose is that under the Temporary Skills Shortage Visa short-term
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Categories: Uncategorized.

Revamp of 457 visa system needs to recognise hospitality industry’s specific needs and protect regional Australia

18 April 2017 Australia’s peak hospitality body, the Australian Hotels Association (AHA) called on the Federal Government to consider the specific needs of the hospitality sector in the design of a new temporary working visa system, following the announcement today by Prime Minister Turnbull that the current 457 visa system would be scrapped. AHA said that while full details were not currently available it was important that the Government recognise the specific skilled labour needs of the hospitality sector as it was currently undergoing its largest ever expansion. “The hospitality industry is growing at unprecedented rates at the present and
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Categories: Media Release.

A step in the right direction for a modern day hospitality industry

The Fair Work Commission’s (FWC) decision to reform Sunday and Public Holiday penalty rates is a first step  towards a modern hospitality industry, the Australian Hotels Association said. AHA and Tourism Accommodation Australia (TAA) led the submissions to the FWC on behalf of the hotel sector – TAA is chaired by the Hon Martin Ferguson AM, a former ACTU President and Federal Tourism Minister. Mr Ferguson said the FWC decision should be respected. “From the industry point of view we haven’t got everything we want. That is the nature of the Fair Work Commission.” “We respect their decision and we
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Categories: Latest News and Media Release.

New AHA President discusses the state of the hotel industry

Long-serving AHA NSW President Scott Leach was unanimously elected as the AHA’s new national President earlier this month. AHA NSW Hotel News’ Jason Bartlett spoke to Mr Leach about the challenges of his new role. HN: Scott, congratulations on being elected as national president of the Australian Hotels Association, how did it feel? Just let me say at the outset that I was extremely humbled by the support of my colleagues across Australia. I look forward to working with the various AHA teams’ right across the nation over the coming year, as we continue to advocate for what is best
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Categories: Stories.

TAA and AHA welcome reduction in ‘backpacker tax’ and charges

27 September 2016 Australia’s peak accommodation body, Tourism Accommodation Australia (TAA) and the Australian Hotels Association (AHA) welcomed today’s decision by the Federal Government to reduce the tax on Working Holiday Makers (WHM) from 32.5c to 19c along with a $10 million promotional fund aimed at revitalising the sector, but said the imposition of a $5 increase in the Passenger Movement Charge (PMC) was counter-productive. Under the original proposal, which was scheduled to come into force from 1 July 2016, working holiday makers would have been treated as non-residents and taxed at 32.5% from the first dollar they earned. They
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Categories: Latest News and Media Release.

Johnnie Walker Hall of Fame – Gordon Broderick

The National AHA Awards provides an opportunity for the National Executive, the Board and in fact the entire AHA family to recognise and honour one amongst us who has provided exceptional service to their community, the AHA and/or the Australian licensed hospitality industry. The past awardees of the AHA/Diageo Johnny Walker Hall of Fame have included the leaders, heroes and champions of our great industry. Men, women and families who, whilst pursuing their own commercial objectives, have significantly contributed to the advancement of our industry and our Association. Such is the increasingly complex, demanding and somewhat controversial environment that the
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Categories: Awards, Latest News, and Stories.

AHA National Awards for Excellence – winners announced

Media Release Monday 19 September, 2016 The shining stars of Australia’s hospitality and accommodation industry were honored in a glittering national function held on the Gold Coast in Queensland last night.Over 460 people gathered at the Australian Hotels Association National Awards for Excellence dinner, held at the RACV Royal Pines Resort. Among the highlights was the induction of Melbourne-based liquor industry stalwart, Gordon Broderick, into the Johnnie Walker Hall of Fame. Mr Broderick has filled the role of executive director of the Distilled Spirits Industry Council of Australia since its formation in 1982, and was involved in key industry roles
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Categories: Awards and Media Release.