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Media Release – Fair Work Australia agrees to ‘cashing out’ of accrued annual leave for hospitality industry workers

In a ‘win’ for the hotels and hospitality sector, the Fair Work Commission (FWC) yesterday released a decision that will allow the cashing out of accrued annual leave under the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010 (“HIGA”) Media Release – Fair Work Australia agrees to ‘cashing out’ of accrued annual leave for hospitality industry workers 15.06.15
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Vale Ashley Spencer – A great ambassador for the Australian hotel industry

The very sad – and sudden – passing away of former Hilton Australasian VP, Ashley Spencer, shocked everyone in the Australian hotel industry. He lost his battle with cancer just after Easter. Ashley had been a major force in the Australian hotel industry since arriving from Singapore in 2007. His arrival here was part of a 27 year career with Hilton Worldwide, with his illustrious path taking him from the UK, through Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia before he took over as Vice President of Operations, Australasia.The name ‘Hilton’, of course, has worldwide cache in the hotel industry,
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Media Release – Workplace Relations Productivity Inquiry

Media Release Workplace Relations Productivity Inquiry Tuesday 17 March, 2015 The Australian Hotels Association (AHA) and Accommodation Association of Australia (AAoA) have made a joint submission in response to the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into Workplace Relations. Industrial relations and economic data indicate that Australia’s labour productivity requires significant improvement. “Despite most regulations having worthwhile objectives, many are developed without sufficient regard to productivity and consideration about how objectives could be achieved in more cost effective ways” commented AHA National CEO Stephen Ferguson. Businesses that require a large proportion of labour to operate will be heavily influenced by the degree of
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Media Release – Powdered Alcohol

Media Release Powdered Alcohol Monday 16 March, 2015 Reports have begun to emerge of “powdered alcohol” products being offered for sale in the US which is likely to reach Australian shores soon. The powdered alcohol branded “Palcohol” is a dry powder which is mixed with water to create an alcoholic beverage. Whilst the full scale of potential health harms are yet to be understood, the capacity for the product to be snorted through the nostrils, to be concealed by underage persons and to be taken into licensed venues and ‘no alcohol’ public events is of great community concern. The AHA
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Four Year review of Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010 (“The HIGA”)

The hospitality industry is one of Australia’s largest employing industries, employing some 640,000 people across the sectors of hotels (170,000), accommodation (90,000), casinos (20,000), clubs (100,000) and restaurants & caterers (250,000). In contrast to other industries such as manufacturing or mining, the hospitality industry employs people in every Australian state, city, town and electorate.   The vast majority of hospitality businesses are small-to-medium-enterprises (SMEs) for whom it is impractical to engage in collective bargaining and rely on award conditions set by the Fair Work Commission. The highest demand for hospitality businesses is generally outside normal Monday to Friday business hours,
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AHA supports review of workplace relations framework

The Australian Hotels Association (AHA) supports the release today of five issues papers for the Productivity Commission review into the Fair Work Act. The AHA sees the review as an opportunity to create more employment opportunities by reviewing the current workplace relations framework. Stephen Ferguson, AHA National CEO, said the current inflexibility and award system structure is stifling employment and business growth. “The level of penalty rates is a particular concern.  The AHA agrees that additional remuneration should be provided for employees working overtime, weekends and public holidays.  However, a better balance is required to enable more businesses to open
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Government called on to support event-related tourism

Stephen Ferguson, AHA National CEO, said today, “With State elections in both Queensland and NSW taking place in the next three months, the value of event-related tourism should become mainstream issues. Both States have seen downturns in mining and other industries; whereas events and tourism have continued to surge. It is impressive that the NSW Government has shown its support of the sector with the re-development of Sydney’s convention and exhibition centre. Queensland has also been active in the domestic and international tourism sector. But what is needed now is more flexible working conditions to boost productivity, a strong international
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