Archives for Media Release

NSW Inquiry into Short term Accommodation Joint Press Release

Accommodation industry responds to NSW inquiry into short-term letting time to level playing field for commercial short-term accommodation Australia’s accommodation sector has called on the NSW Government to level the playing field for all accommodation including commercial property owners using on-line distribution channels to rent houses and units for short-term letting. In response to the rapid rise in the unregulated short-term accommodation sector, accommodation providers are advocating for the NSW Government committee to recommend: Increasing transparency of supply in the sector by implementing a register for all short-term accommodation providers, and advocating for the Federal Government to implement permanent research tools to better understand the extent
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Categories: Media Release.

Australian hotels embrace connectivity

Australian hotels embrace connectivity, with 96% of hotels offering ‘free’ Wi-Fi An industry wide survey of 3, 4 and 5 star hotels and serviced apartments by Tourism Accommodation Australia (TAA) has revealed that 96% of Australian hotels surveyed* offer some level of free Wi-Fi to guests. Tourism Accommodation Australia represents the interests of hotels, motels and serviced apartment accommodation operators across Australia, including city, regional and remote areas. Responses from the survey revealed that: 99 per cent of hotels currently offer Wi-Fi as a service to guests. The majority of hotels (65 per cent) do not charge for some level of free Wi-Fi
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Categories: Media Release.

Extension of Vivid Sydney Festival

Extension of Vivid Sydney highlights the power of events‐based tourism – TAA The decision by the NSW Government to extend Vivid Sydney by an additional five nights reflects the power of events‐related tourism, says Australia’s peak accommodation body, Tourism Accommodation Australia (TAA). Vivid will now run from Friday, 27 May to Saturday, 18 June. From humble beginnings, Vivid has grown to become Australia’s largest festival of its kind, attracting 1.7 million people in 2015, including 117,000 domestic and interstate overnight visitors. The Festival – which incorporates lights, music and other entertainment – has been particularly successful in attracting high‐yield conference and incentive groups to
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Categories: Media Release.

Tourism industry’s potential recognised with appointment of Steve Ciobo

Tourism industry’s potential recognised with appointment of Steve Ciobo to replace Andrew Robb – TAA Australia’s peak accommodation body, Tourism Accommodation Australia (TAA), praised the Federal Government’s choice of Steve Ciobo to replace retiring Trade Minister, Andrew Robb. Mr Ciobo was elevated to the Trade & Investment Ministry from his current role as Minister for International Development and the Pacific. Prior to that, he was Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Trade and Investment. Mr Robb will continue his involvement in the trade portfolio till the election as ‘Special Envoy for Trade’. TAA CEO, Carol Giuseppi, said that Mr Ciobo had shown throughout his time
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Categories: Media Release.

Industrial relations needs to be addressed to continue growing Chinese market

Service standards need to be at the fore if Australian tourism is to keep the Chinese market in the ‘magic millions’ club – Martin Ferguson, TAA Growing the Chinese inbound market to over one million visitors is a triumph for Australian tourism, says Tourism Accommodation Chair (TAA) Chair, Martin Ferguson, but the industry will need to be able to access higher-levels of skilled workers if Australia is to continue growing the market. In figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), China increased its visitor numbers to Australia by 21.6% (177,900) to 1,001,200 in the year ending November 2015. Mr Ferguson, a former
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Categories: Media Release.

TAA responds to NSW Collaborative Economy Position Paper

‘Collaborative’ economy must be more about ‘contributing’ to the economy, rather thanjust ‘taking’ – TAA responds to NSW Collaborative Economy Position Paper Australia’s peak accommodation body, Tourism Accommodation Australia, welcomed the NSW Government’s commitment to addressing the issues caused by the expansion of new so‐called ‘collaborative’ economy, but called for urgent regulation of commercial short‐term accommodation operators. The dramatic growth of unregulated short‐term accommodation, fuelled by internet booking sites such as Airbnb, had seen the original concept of “room sharing” morph into a channel allowing commercial operators to rent out multiple properties without meeting many of the safety, insurance, taxation, body corporate, strata, council and
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Categories: Media Release.

Australian Hotels Association 2015 National Awards for Excellence

The elite of Australia’s hospitality and accommodation industry were honoured in a glittering nation-wide function held on the Gold Coast in Queensland in September 2015. Among the highlights was the induction of New South Wales hotel industry stalwart Bevan Douglas into the Johnnie Walker Hall of Fame. Mr Douglas and his family have made significant social and economic contributions to the city of Tamworth. Mr Douglas has also championed the rights of hoteliers over the past 25 years. Over 450 people, representing hotel and accommodation venues from right around the country were present at the annual awards night, held at
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Categories: Awards, Latest News, and Media Release.

Australian jobs and businesses can be boosted by cracking down on illegal offshore gambling

Media Release: Australian jobs and businesses can be boosted by cracking down on illegal offshore gambling. The Australian Hotel Association (AHA) has welcomed the Federal Government’s review of illegal offshore gambling, saying that the widespread practice was costing Australian jobs and hurting legitimate Australian businesses. The Government has estimated that there is up to $1 billion annual illegal offshore gambling, particularly targeting racing and other sports, and that, increasingly, Australian‐based organisations were attempting to avoid their legal obligations by shifting their operations offshore to unregulated international regions such as the Pacific and Asia. The review is to be led by
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Categories: Latest News and Media Release.

Productivity Commission Report Response

Media Release: Productivity Commission’s recommendations on workplace reform a “victory for common sense” says hotel sector Australia’s peak hospitality bodies, the Australian Hotels Association (AHA) and Tourism Accommodation Australia (TAA), have welcomed the Productivity Commission’s draft recommendations for reforming Australia’s workplace relations and creating a more flexible system to benefit both businesses and employment. The recommendations were contained in the Productivity Commission’s draft report on Australia’s Workplace Relations Framework.  On behalf of Tourism Accommodation Australia and the Accommodation Association of Australia, AHA made major submissions to the Inquiry. The report recommends more flexible working arrangements for workers in the 24/7 hospitality industry,
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Categories: Latest News and Media Release.