Members are advised that on 27 November 2013, the AHA lodged an application with the General Manager of Fair Work Commission pursuant to Section 158A of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 (Cth) for her consent to the alteration of Rule 5 of the Rules of the AHA to add a new Sub Rule (3) that will extend the membership eligibility of the AHA to certain types of accommodation providers in New South Wales.

The reason for the application is to ensure that the eligibility coverage of the AHA and that of its counterpart State Registered Organisation in NSW are the same.

Members are further advised that the AHA will also lodge an application with the Fair Work Commission amending its Rules so it complies with the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment Act 2012. These rules were signed off pursuant to Rule 41 of the AHA by the President and the Treasurer /Secretary on the 25 November.

In compliance with the legislation the amendment provides new requirements for the National Organisation and its Branches relating to financial policies, procedure and training, disclosure of officer’s relevant remuneration and non-cash benefits, disclosure of officer’s material personal interests.

Members wishing to have further details of both applications are welcome to contact the National Chief Executive Officer.  Officers will be contacted by branches shortly to invite disclosure of required interests and to arrange training.

Mr Des Crowe
AHA National Chief Executive Officer

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